American Oak Barrels

The A.P. John Cooperage sources oak from sustainable forests, hand crafts regionally-selected American Oak barrels for modern wine styles.

A.P. John sources the finest American Oak from the same mills and growers who have, in most instances, been valued suppliers to the company for more than 50 years.

Our range of ‘regional’ barrel selections includes Shenandoah, Appalachian, Missouri, Ozark, Minnesota and the Northern Selection. This American oak diversity demonstrates our ability and commitment to provide unique parcels of oak for your unique parcel of fruit.

Oak is air seasoned at site of mill in the USA for 36 months. The seasoning is completed at the Barossa cooperage to ensure your A.P. John barrel is produced from select, super-premium quality, well-seasoned oak.


Oak Additives


Barossa Spirit Cooperage

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